


The provision of correct information on the Armenian higher education system and awarded qualifications, recognized institutions, educational programmes as well as the main characteristics of the national education system in a whole is one of the important tasks of ArmEnic.  Moreover, accurate information and advice is provided to the Armenian higher education institutions and other stakeholders for understanding the value of the foreign qualification and rights attached to it. ArmEnic also helps to verify the status of a higher education institution and programmes.  Knowledge of the key elements of foreign education systems and information sources used are important for the assessment of foreign qualifications. Information sources are divided in two broad categories: national and international.

National ministries responsible for higher education in the countries are the primary source of information regarding higher education institutions and programmes. In most cases they ublish information about the school, vocational and higher education systems, legal framework and administration, access qualifications, and quality assurance system/accreditation.  According to the 2016 Monitoring Report of the Implementation of the Lisbon Recognition Convention around 75% of countries include information on national qualification frameworks, credit and grading systems. Sometimes there are data bases of examples of credentials. 

The ENIC-NARIC website contains country profiles of 55 countries, Parties to the Convention, which include information on public authorities, description of education system, QA system, and other relevant information.

In the ENIC-NARIC networks some of the national information centers that represent countries with more internationalized education system develop different types of data bases to support recognition of foreign qualifications.  



ANABIN Database (DE)

Alberta International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS) – Education Overview Guides

CIMEA – Worldwide database of University Grading Systems

Nordic National Recognition Information Centres (NORRIC) – Countries and regions (Study Visits) (SE, EN)

NUFFIC – Country modules (EN, NL)

CICIC – Country Education Profiles (EN, FR)

Organisation de Estados Iberoamericanos (Sistemas Educativos Nacionales) (ES) 


International organisations, networks are excellent sources of regional and global information.  Some of them are listed below.

EU Commission: Eurypedia – The European Encyclopedia on National Education Systems

UNESCO – International Bureau of Education (Country Dossiers)

IAU – List of Universities in the World

IAU – Database on higher education systems worldwide

APARNET – The Asia Pacific Academic Recognition (Country Reports)  

NAFSA – Guide to Education Systems Around the World

QQI – International Qualifications Database (EN)

WES – Country resources

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