In February 2023 was launched the Erasmus+ project “Online course catalogues and databases for transparency and recognition-2” (OCTRA 2). Partners of the project are
- Academic Information Centre (Coordinator), Latvia
- BA School of Business and Finance (BASBF), Latvia
- Council of Rectors of Latvia (LRC), Latvia
- Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (CIP), Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Naradowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej (NAWA), Poland
- National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID), Bulgaria
- National Centre for Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas, Romania
- National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility (ArmENIC), Armenia
- Quality and Qualifications Ireland, Ireland
Objective of the project is to explore the role of online course catalogues of higher education institutions with the main focus on the micre-credentials. Provision of transparent and reliable information on the courses offered by higher education institutions facilitate recognition of qualifications including micro-credentials and may lead to automatic recognition of HE qualifications.
The Kick-off meeting was held in Riga, Latvia on 10.03.2023 with participation all the partners. Main aim of the meeting was to discuss work packages and their milestones as well as reposibility of the partners.