Bologna Process

Bologna Process

On 19 May 2005, the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia (RA) signed the Bergen Communique, and thus Armenia officially joined the Bologna Process.

Joining the Bologna Process enhanced and directed the implementation of the profound changes in the higher education system of the RA. Today, Armenia is one of 48 European Higher Education Area (EHEA) member countries.

Thus, Armenia created a platform for new opportunities for the cooperation with the European region, making the best use of the international experience. The overall objectives of the EHEA, which are based on the principles of recognition, transparency and quality education and its accessibility, assume the joint efforts of 48 member states and the active involvement of all its parties.

The evidence of the high assessment of the progress of the Armenian higher education system within the Bologna Process, as well as the great achievement for the whole education system was taking the responsibility of the Bologna Secretariat in 2012 and hosting of the Ministerial Conference and Fourth Policy Forum in the RA on 14-15 May 2015. The RA Ministry of Education and Science appointed Gayane Harutyunyan, the director of ArmEnic, as the Head of the Secretariat, who, together with the Secretariat team members, was able to best perform the responsibilities of the Bologna Secretariat.

Detailed information on the Bologna Process and EHEA can be found on the EHEA’s official website.

2020 Rome Communiqué

2018 Paris Communiqué

2015 Yerevan Communiqué